Varied Thrush

One of the most evocative sounds of nature is the song of the Varied Thrush. Its call
is a series Of unhurried single notes, each note slightly higher or lower in pitch than
its predecessor—like a human humming and whistling at the same time. The Varied
Thrush usually sings from deep cover or high in a tree, and its song is the best indi-
cator of its presence because it is a very shy bird that is not always easy to spot.
The Varied Thrush is a bird of the forest, and it is found throughout most of B.C.,
wherever there is suitable cover. The best time to see it is during the rare cold spells
in winter when snow blankets the surrounding hills and the birds leave the forest to
forage in any suitable area, including residential gardens and city parks. In April and
May you must venture into the rainforests of the local mountains if you want to find
these elusive birds.


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