Glaucous-winged Gull

Of the gulls found year-round in coastal B.C., the Glaucous-winged Gull is the most
common. It can be found in large flocks in bays, estuaries, freshwater lakes, garbage
dumps, agricultural fields and generally anywhere that we inadvertently provide food.
In May, it uses grass, seaweed and other marine debris to build its nest, which may be
found on city buildings or barges, in shipyards and around offshore islets and break-
waters. About 28,000 pairs breed in B.C. each year.
A rewarding exercise for novice birders is to glance over at a flock of 50 or so gulls.
Within a few minutes, even the most inexperienced birder will begin to sort out the
gulls based on their size and the colour of their eyes, wing tips and legs.


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