Crested Myna - starling family

Vancouver is the only place in North America
where this member of the starling family
can be found. The Crested Myna was
introduced to the city from its native
Southeast Asia in 1897, and its popula-
tions peaked in the late 1920s at about
20,000 birds. Since then, its numbers
have been decreasing steadily, partly
because of competition with its rel-
ative, the European Starling. Today
less than 100 Crested Mynas can be
found around Vancouver.
Look for a black, robin-sized bird
with a small crest on its forehead.
On urban lawns and around fast-
food drive-in restaurants are good
places to look. In winter, some mynas
still roost each evening on bridges, such
as the Burrard and Cambie Street
bridges. In spring, nests may be built in
any suitable cavity: a bird box, a drain
pipe, a lamp post or even a loose brick in
a building.


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