Downy Woodpecker

The smallest and most common of the woodpeckers
that you are likely to see in Vancouver, the Downy
Woodpecker is about the size of a sparrow. It has
a rapid, whinnying call, and during the breeding
season males drum on dead branches or power
poles, producing a sound like a fast and pro-
longed drum roll. Drumming is a way of adver-
tising territory, much like singing in songbirds.
On their territory, a pair will choose a nest site and
will then proceed to excavate a nest cavity, an oper-
ation that usually takes two to three weeks. Later in
the season, individuals also excavate cavities to
roost in over winter.
If you want to attract Downy Woodpeckers to
your backyard, try hanging suet from a small
branch. They are tolerant of people and are
quite approachable while feeding.
Similar Species: Hairy Woodpecker: larger;
larger bill; clean, white outer tail feathers.


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