Fox Sparrow

The Fox Sparrow can be heard singing only in spring, just before it leaves Vancouver
to nest in higher elevation forests. It has a short, musical song made up of a series of
two or three slurred notes followed by a series of shorter, quicker notes. In urban
areas, it can be found on land that has been cleared and has a dense cover of shrubs
and brambles. Away from the city, it spends most of its time in thickets and scrubby
woodland. This sparrow often finds its way into backyards in winter, particularly if
there is a suitably neglected area and a birdfeeder full of seeds.
The Fox Sparrow has many different races and plumages throughout Canada. The
name "Fox Sparrow" is less suitable for the darker subspecies found here along
the West Coast than it is for the red-brown subspecies after which it was named.


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