Red-breasted Nuthatch

The Red-breasted Nuthatch has a very dis-
tinctive shape. Individuals are found high
up in trees in coniferous forests or mixed
woodlands, and they have the strange
habit of moving headfirst down trees as
they forage from top to bottom. This
feeding strategy may allow them to
find food that other birds have
missed. Red-breasted Nuthatches
are common at birdfeeders and are
particularly attracted to suet and
, sunflower seed.
Natural cavities or old woodpecker
holes may be used as nest sites or
these birds may excavate their own
holes. In any case, Red-breasted
Nuthatches have the unique habit
of smearing pitch, or mud, around
the entrances of their nest holes.
N,'Vhy they smear mud is uncertain,
but it may serve to reinforce the
entrance against predators, Such as
squirrels and starlings.


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