Steller's Jay

Perhaps the most noticeable feature of British Columbia's provincial bird is the large,
dark crest on its head that it raises and lowers at will. Within Canada, the range of the
Steller's Jay is almost completely confined to our province. Around Vancouver, this
bird is common in the mountains on the north side of the city where there are plenty
of coniferous trees. Like many other corvids, Steller's Jays adapt quickly to humans,
and often visit urban backyards looking for scraps. In late autumn and winter, they
drift from one feeding station to the next with a noisy shack-shack-shack.
The Steller's Jay builds a substantial, if somewhat untidy, twig nest lined with mud,
grass and roots in a conifer tree. It aggressively defends its nest, loudly driving off all
but the most persistent intruders.


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