Cinnamon Teal

The male Cinnamon Teal seems to radiate among the duller, predominantly brown-
and-grey dabbling ducks of Vancouver. Unfortunately, this gorgeous duck is one of
our less common dabblers. Most are seen in spring feeding on shallow lakes, in wet-
lands and in irrigation ditches in small flocks of two or three pairs. Burnaby Lake,
Iona Island and the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary are among
Vancouver's best locations to observe Cinnamon Teals, usually from mid-ApriI
through July.
During the summer nesting period, females disappear from view to quietly tend their
eggs, and males are usually observed on their own. By mid-July, when young of the
year have acquired their flight feathers and males have moulted their eclipse plumage,
all members of the family may temporarily resemble the female.


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