
Formerly known as the Pigeon Hawk, the Merlin is a small, dark
falcon with long, pointed wings. The birds around Vancouver
belong to a race that breeds along the west coast of British
Columbia and is darker than the race that is common in
the rest of Canada. The coastal race does not have the
typical "moustache" marks of other falcons, nor
the bold plumage patterns.
The Merlin is the most adaptable of the four
common species of falcons found around
Vancouver. It is as much at home in the mid-
dle of the city chasing birds at feeders as it is
hunting shorebirds along beaches. Keep
your eyes open because you may only catch
a fleeting glimpse of a Merlin passing at
high speed.
Similar Species: American Kestrel
: dark "tearstreak"; dark "side-
burn." Peregrine Falcon : much
larger; distinctive, dark hood. Sharp-
shinned Hawk (p. 54) and Cooper's
Hawk (p. 55): short, rounded wings;
horizontal streaking on breast.


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