Sharp-shinned Hawks

Sharp-shinned Hawks can chase small birds through much denser vegetation than
most birds of prey can because of their small size, and their long tails act as rudders
to help them maneuver. In urban areas, they are typically seen in wooded areas and
around bird feeders. They are quick to notice songbirds at feeders, so you should posi-
tion feeders where smaller birds have escape routes into nearby bushes or trees.
During autumn migration, Sharp-shinned Hawks can be seen along the mountains
to the north of the city, where they take advan-
tage of thermals to help them travel south.
The Sharp-shinned Hawk is a rare nester
in the Vancouver area. When you do find a
"Sharpie" nest, it is usually made of twigs
and built in a deciduous tree. Early in the
breeding season, these hawks can be quite
vocal around their nests, despite their
normally secretive nature.


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