Wood Duck

The male Wood Duck is arguably the most colourful duck in the world; its iridescent,
green head with white markings, its crest and its narrow red-and-white bill are
unmistakable. Although less brightly coloured, the female is one of the most attrac-
tively marked of the female ducks. Watch for Wood Ducks on any wooded lake or
slough including Lost Lagoon and Beaver Lake in Stanley Park.
As the name implies, Wood Ducks are often found in trees, and their toes possess
sharp claws that help them grip tree branches and snags. They nest in tree cavities and
nest boxes, and within hours of hatching, the young use their sharp claws to climb up
the inside of their home and jump onto the ground. At one nest site in Stanley Park,
a pair of Wood Ducks used a natural crevice high up in a Douglas-fir. On hatching,
the ducklings fell 16 metres, bounced unscathed and quickly waddled after their
mother to nearby Beaver Lake.


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