Western Screech-Owl
This small owl is now rare but can be seen and heard in woodlands around the city. It can even be found in quite populated areas provided there are enough large trees for cover and nesting. At night, its call—a series of short, low notes that accelerate toward the end—gives away its presence. These calls are most frequent during the breeding season from February to May, when it nests in tree cavities and crevices—often old wood- pecker holes or nest boxes are used. The Western Screech-Owl feeds on a wide variety of prey, including insects, amphibians, fish, worms, small mam- mals and birds. On occasion, it will even catch and kill prey larger than itself. Like many owls, it uses hearing to help it locate and catch food, but its prominent "ear" tufts have nothing to do with hearing—its real ears are on the sides of its head.